Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Banned Wagon

I read the report in TLJ this weekend and was LOLing!!! My highlights below:

#1 Conal ISD, Garden Ridge ES

Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle for sexual content or deleted

First of all- Eric Carle????????? Sexual?? (ok, I haven’t read it, but really?) Then the action: content changed or deleted. Hey, I didn’t know we could do that!!!!!

#2 The Ehrhart School

Ransom My Heart, Princess of Genovia BY Princess Mia Thermopolis

Uhhhhhh, did no one catch that the real author is Meg Cabot? Mia Thermopolis is a CHARACTER.

#3 Flour Bluff ISD, Flour Bluff intermediate

Remembering September 11th- a video

We can challenge videos now?

#4 Kemp ISD, Kemp High School

Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck

No reason cited, but in the note it says parent felt the plot was depressing. I see why they didn’t want to voice that as their reason; it’s pretty lame. Read more Steinbeck- it totally gets better.

#5 Lake Dallas ES

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angelberger

Cited for having a page with “#?!!**” standing for a cuss word. I guess they didn’t have any books with actual cuss words in them to ban. Good for them (don’t come to my library though!).

#6 Wieland ES in Pfugerville ISD

Captain Underpants- 10 books retained all challenged for “no reason” but included in the note: spelling errors, grammar errors, objectionable story lines/scenes, undesirable/unsafe behavior. Why do you think the kids like it????

#7 Texas College Preparatory Academies/Premier High School

U.S. History teaching materials, Responsive Education Solutions

Challenged for references to religion. Apparently we need to try teaching US history without mentioning religion.

#8 UME Preparatory Academy

Challenged CSCOPE. HAHAHAHAHAHA! At this point, I was about to cry.

Will the insanity never cease? I hope your library offended someone today.

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